
Vibrant, crowded, fast-paced and organized-yet-chaotic are some of the first descriptions that come to my mind when I remember Tokyo’s Shibuya Crossing. Call me a misanthrope, but I’m the kind of person to hate crowds. The mere thought of Christmas ...

After Hong Kong and New York, Tokyo is the third city with the largest amount of skyscrapers in the world (of course Dubai will have something to say about it soon). So it comes as no surprise that the Japanese ...

Let’s be honest, when I visited Dubai for the first time a few years ago I didn’t exactly add it to the top of my list of places to revisit. But time passes and people change, and although this time ...

Miyajima itself was everything I expected from my trip to Japan and much, much more. I learned about the existence of this tiny island south of Hiroshima from another travel blog and, truth be told, it was a fair trade ...

These last days at the office have been really interesting. With the holidays practically around the corner, everyone seems to be tying up the loose ends on their Christmas trips home. All conversations these days seem to revolve around the ...