
Why Plaça de Sant Felip Neri is my Favorite Spot in Barcelona

A hidden gem in the heart of Barcelona, discover why Plaça de Sant Felip Neri is a must-visit spot. Immerse yourself in its rich history and tranquil atmosphere, and experience the magic that makes it my favorite.

Why Sant Felip Neri is my favorite spot in Barcelona
Why Sant Felip Neri is my favorite spot in Barcelona

Plaça de Sant Felip Neri is tucked away in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona. This place always draws me in; it’s a small, serene spot that feels like a step back in time, far from the busy and touristy city streets.

Sant Felip Neri Square - Fountain
Sant Felip Neri Square – Fountain

The square is home to a baroque church, and its walls bear the scars of a tragic past. It boasts a simple yet serene façade with a curvilinear design. The facade’s symmetrical layout creates a sense of harmony and order. Delicate details in the stone carvings give a soft touch to the otherwise austere exterior. The church’s interior continues this theme of simplicity with its modest decor.

Around the square, buildings with old-school charm house a school and a (now closed) museum dedicated to footwear. The atmosphere here is quiet as children play, their laughter mixing with the sounds of water from the fountain at its center.

Plaça de Sant Felip Neri, Barcelona
Plaça de Sant Felip Neri, Barcelona
Church of San Felipe Neri in Barcelona
Church of San Felipe Neri in Barcelona

I find solace under the shadow of the towering buildings that also seem to protect this little oasis.

Sant Felip Neri Square - Gargoyle
Sant Felip Neri Square – Gargoyle
Plaza de San Felipe Neri - Detail
Plaza de San Felipe Neri – Detail

Remember the tragic past I mentioned earlier? I was talking about the very visible marks on the church’s façade. Shrapnel from a bombing during the Spanish Civil War caused them. In the 1930s, a bomb fell here, taking the lives of several people, including many young children from the church’s school.

Shrapnel scars on the church of Sant Felip Neri, Barcelona
Shrapnel scars on the church of Sant Felip Neri, Barcelona

People say that this place has ghosts of the past because children died there during that bombing. They say you can feel a different energy because of this tragic history. Some visitors say they even hear soft whispers around when it’s really quiet.

There aren’t many people around, making it a good spot for thinking or clearing your head. If you’re ever in Barcelona and want to experience a quieter, more reflective side, finding this small square could be something to remember.

Evanescence’s “My Immortal” Music Video Was Shot There

Plaça de Sant Felip Neri is a place that sticks in your memory. I can see why the band Evanescence chose it for their music video “My Immortal.”

The square gives off an atmosphere that matches the song’s mood. It’s a sad tune, and the video shows the singer, Amy Lee, drifting through this quiet space that feels insulated from the noises of the city.

Plaça de Sant Felip Neri: Useful Information for Your Visit

Plaça de Sant Felip Neri is an enchanting spot in Barcelona that you should not miss during your visit.

It’s simple to get there. If you’re using the metro, the closest stop is Jaume I on the yellow line (L4). Once you get off, it’s just a short walk. Use Google Maps or ask someone for directions if you’re unsure.

To reach Plaça de Sant Felip Neri, walk through the narrow streets of the Gothic Quarter. This iconic area of Barcelona is full of fascinating architecture and history.

When visiting Plaça de Sant Felip Neri, take some time to admire the church’s beauty, its Baroque-style architecture, and faded frescoes. While exploring the square, you will also come across a small fountain in its center—a lovely place for a break before continuing your journey.

If you plan to visit Plaça de Sant Felip Neri, it is essential to consider that this square is relatively small and, as every place in Central Barcelona, may get crowded during peak travel times. Consider visiting early in the morning or later in the evening if you wish to enjoy its beauty without many people around.